Kalo ko nyesal, aku lg ribu2 nyesal baca blog ko Masz... tp, memandangkan ko ni je la kwan blogging yg hado, meh ler aku melayan ko... ha, nak tag ape td? aku mmg xde keje lain, kene layan tag kooooooooooooo jer... wa ka ka...
(cud yur pelise terselit, i'm not undersetan engelish) - alamak, terbroken sudah...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following question. They have to be real.. Nothing made up! If the person before you had the first same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for boy/girl name question.
It's harder than it's looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answer, enter yours, and tag the others.
Pikir betul2 nih, aku x macam ko Masz, ko pusing camne pun nama ko tatap M.. aku ni byak penyamaran... I (nama sebenar).. D (nama blogging)... A (Nama timbangan)....
What is your name? - Dayu
A four letter word - Dulu (sya 50kg skang sya 68kg)
A boy's name? - Dollah (gile kekampungan aku ni)
A girl's name? - Dara (sentiasa dara okkkkk)
An occupation - Dodol's maker (pekerjaan halal)
A color - Dulux special creation (yg bancuh sdiri, cipta sendiri, pahtu ko boh le nama sdri, nama kaler aku Dink)
Something you'll wear? - Dora the explorer helper (hai,nama saya But, ini kawan saya Dora)
A food - Dorayaki Doraemon, an an an totte mo dayi suki
Something found in the bathroom - Dada tanpa baju
A place - Dracula towers
A reason for being late - Derita buang air besar, dok meneran lam toilet..
Something you'd shout? - Dey yennadei
A movie title - Doo be doo be doo where a u (i'm here)
Something you drink - Durian milkshake shake
A musical group - Def-gab-C
An animal - Dinosourousthyronosorousetheorempithagoras (wa ka ka)
A street name - Dimana ada kemahuan, di situ ada JALAN... (macam ala2 enjin google x jwapan aku ni)
A type of car - DMC Delorean lam cite Back to the Future (tu ingat aku menipu la tu)
The title of the song - Demo loh ni tak supo mulo ( xberani kawe nak tegor.. mung xdok no tepong ambo ko? gitulah saing... )
Eh, cam bes plak wat ni.. da abis da ke? no soklan de 20, sbenarnya 19 je masz oi, no 8 ilang.. eh, rasa cam nak wat hurup I ngan A je lagi.. wa ka ka.. sesapa yg berkenaan, silalah sila.. jgan malu2..
(cud yur pelise terselit, i'm not undersetan engelish) - alamak, terbroken sudah...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following question. They have to be real.. Nothing made up! If the person before you had the first same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for boy/girl name question.
It's harder than it's looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answer, enter yours, and tag the others.
Pikir betul2 nih, aku x macam ko Masz, ko pusing camne pun nama ko tatap M.. aku ni byak penyamaran... I (nama sebenar).. D (nama blogging)... A (Nama timbangan)....
What is your name? - Dayu
A four letter word - Dulu (sya 50kg skang sya 68kg)
A boy's name? - Dollah (gile kekampungan aku ni)
A girl's name? - Dara (sentiasa dara okkkkk)
An occupation - Dodol's maker (pekerjaan halal)
A color - Dulux special creation (yg bancuh sdiri, cipta sendiri, pahtu ko boh le nama sdri, nama kaler aku Dink)
Something you'll wear? - Dora the explorer helper (hai,nama saya But, ini kawan saya Dora)
A food - Dorayaki Doraemon, an an an totte mo dayi suki
Something found in the bathroom - Dada tanpa baju
A place - Dracula towers
A reason for being late - Derita buang air besar, dok meneran lam toilet..
Something you'd shout? - Dey yennadei
A movie title - Doo be doo be doo where a u (i'm here)
Something you drink - Durian milkshake shake
A musical group - Def-gab-C
An animal - Dinosourousthyronosorousetheorempithagoras (wa ka ka)
A street name - Dimana ada kemahuan, di situ ada JALAN... (macam ala2 enjin google x jwapan aku ni)
A type of car - DMC Delorean lam cite Back to the Future (tu ingat aku menipu la tu)
The title of the song - Demo loh ni tak supo mulo ( xberani kawe nak tegor.. mung xdok no tepong ambo ko? gitulah saing... )
Eh, cam bes plak wat ni.. da abis da ke? no soklan de 20, sbenarnya 19 je masz oi, no 8 ilang.. eh, rasa cam nak wat hurup I ngan A je lagi.. wa ka ka.. sesapa yg berkenaan, silalah sila.. jgan malu2..
1 ulasan:
argh...main ngelat ko!
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